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Friday, July 13, 2007

Late Night

No, I wasn't partying, not at all.

This morning my alarm woke me at my usual time. I drank my water, set up the coffeemaker for my usual morning treat, sat at the computer and just couldn't function. I finally went to the couch and slept another hour.

I can't complain. How can I when all I'm missing is a little sleep? There's a family in nearby Maale Levona who is missing a son, a brother.

Hundreds of people gathered last night in the Shiloh Cemetery to bury a boy, a youngster who hadn't yet celebrated his eighteenth birthday. Sobs filled the air. Stars were hidden by the mist; the warm tears rose like steam.

HaMakom Y'Nachem


  1. May his memory be a blessing and comfort to his family, friends, and the community.

  2. Car accident. He was a passenger.


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