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Thursday, August 30, 2007


Yesterday I returned to work after summer vacation and two days of sick leave. Actually it was a good day to return, since I had only the 11th and 12th grades, very few students. Those who showed up were polite, well-behaved and even a bit enthusiastic. I explained what they needed to pass the bagrut, national final exams, in English.

Traveling was miraculous, Baruch Hashem, thank G-d. I kept my cool when I realized that I had missed the bus, which came "on time," instead of late; I was less than a minute's run when I saw it leaving the bus stop. Good thing I didn't panic. I caught a ride a few minutes later. It dropped me off at the "t junction" to Beit El, where I had to wait for a ride or bus to Beit El. A large vehicle with a "foreign press" sign was sitting there. As I walked by, I noticed them taking my picture. What will the caption be?
"Middle-aged woman with bag on wheels hitchhikes to Beit El."

A few minutes later, a van stopped and offered me a ride to Beit El. The driver was nice and took me all the way to the yeshiva where I teach. That saved me walking in the hot sun.

After my last lesson, I changed "uniforms" and got dressed and made up to go to a wedding.

Yes, it was a beautiful wedding.

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The music and dancing were great!

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I had my camera strapped to my waist and danced with it on. Periodically, I'd stop and take pictures.

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That's the way to celebrate.



  1. How beautiful!! And I love how everyone is dressed in white..looks like a wonderful time!!

  2. Anonymous30/8/07 17:03

    Mazal tov!

    Maybe the foreign journalists are blog readers, and fans of me-ander (and Shiloh Musings, and... you!)

    I'm glad you're feeling better and well enough to be up and about and dancing!

  3. c,
    Thanks. It sure was! It was purely wonderful.

    You're sweet.
    I'm sure they didn't know who I am, though I was tempted to ask for copies to show how difficult my traveling is.
    considering how I feel today... maybe I shouldn't have had danced so much....


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