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Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Wow! That Juggling Frogs is really something!!

Juggling Frogs has presented a round-up of everything that had appeared (and is still accessible) in the Kosher Cooking Carnival in the most impressive post I've ever seen:

You just must take a look!
And while we're mentioning KCC, don't forget to send me your kosher food posts or links to any suitable post you see. Either mail them to shilohmuse at gmail dot com or via blog carnival.


  1. Anonymous30/8/07 16:58

    Thanks, Batya!

    We all know that KCC is amazing - The KCmC just give a bit of perspective as to how amazing it is!

    I guess, if you post a cookbook a month, it adds up to a whole shelf-full of them after a couple of years!!

    Thank you so much for creating and nurturing the KCC for all these many, many months.... Kain Yirbu!!!

  2. thanks, jf, I really couldn't do it alone

    I can't get over how many people get to my blog after googling some recipe.

    Thanks for joining the kcc team.


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