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Monday, September 24, 2007

Almost Succot Shopping

Erev Succot, Jerusalem, 2007

Yes, it's almost Succot, and decorations are for sale.
I took this picture from the bus in Geula.

Later I went with a friend to the Malcha Mall. I took this picture from the "Food Court" while we were eating. That's the "Technological Park," a building that supposed to have lots of high tech industry.
The mall, couldn't resist the shot.
Betar Jerusalem, Jerusalem's favorite soccer team, has its own store.

I like shopping, but I won't tell you what I got. OK, not much, really!


  1. Anonymous25/9/07 07:00

    Shanah tova and a gut Yomtov Moadim L'simcha

    p.s. I am not around allot lately

  2. thanks

    I've noticed



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