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Friday, September 07, 2007

friend far away

There are all sorts of ways of measuring distance. Especially since writing and blogging, I have friends all over the world, and I've also rediscovered old friends, who are now all over the world.

One of those, whom I knew in NCSY and roomed with in Stern College, is now, and has been for quite a long time, the Chabad Rebbitzen of the Crimea. She just sent me the link to their new internet site.

It's amazing; take a look!


  1. Isn't it so fun to hook up with friends all over? I too have truly enjoyed this aspect of blogging and other social networking sites. BTW - I love the fruit/veggie picture a few posts down!


  2. thanks, glad you like the fruit head

    About internet friendships. They're great as long as one doesn't use them as a substitute for f2f.

  3. Anonymous8/9/07 22:22

    Hello...I like the "friend far away" site.

  4. Anonymous9/9/07 10:20

    Hi Batya! Thanks for posting the link! Our situation right now is kind of hanging in the balance -- kind of like what will the new year bring... We need all the exposure we can get, so hopefully some help will come in from the www. I wish you "a gut gebentcht yahr!" Love, Leah

  5. G-d willing, it'll help.
    Good luck and Shannah Tovah.


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