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Sunday, September 02, 2007

We're back in business!

That's after about 9 hours without electricity!
All I did was turn on the bathroom light to take a shower last night, when BOOM!
Everything went off but the TV. Then the fuse was flipped back on, and then I touched something, and then BOOM! again. And this time, not even the TV stayed on, and I couldn't get the switch back up.
Our fuse box isn't as confusing as this one, but neither the hubby nor myself is of that kind of electrical bent. Just before midnight isn't the best time to call an electrician, even if he is a neighbor and good friend. I tried his cell phone, but no answer, and in the morning I discovered that it was the wrong number. Before 7am, I woke his wife. He came less than an hour later. I went to the pool while he fixed everything.
And now I'm back on the computer. So before I forget, I must tell you that the very latest Havel Havelim is up on Life in Israel. So take a gander; you'll enjoy it.


  1. Good to see it all got sorted out and you are back on your computer! :)

  2. Thanks, b. Actually, it made it so much easier to finish marking all the papers for work. Maybe if I had been more conciencious, we wouldn't "have had to have the short."
    But no computer, tv, video, dvd...
    or coffee maker and cold milk!


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