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Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Why do I keep blogging. Sometimes it seems like hardly anyone comes to just pay a visit. Most are directed by google, looking for a recipe.

I didn't sleep much last night. Went to bed late after getting back. Busy day. Cooked, laundry, then to Jerusalem, then to the airport by bus. Then waited for my parents, then back to Jerusalem with them. First we tried to get on one of the Nesher Shuttles, but when it seemed to be taking forever, and they wouldn't promise to let us off first, I ran to the taxis, got one, had it pick my parents up by Nesher. Nice driver, and being a "special," straight to the hotel. Met there by daughter #1. Had them register, unpack and then dinner in the lobby, Kings Hotel. It has seen better times and worse. Food was OK. The four of us shared three meals. Then walked a bit, took a cab to French Hill, the "trempiada." Waited for a ride. Eventually, one to Ofra, waited more and more. Then there was a ride to Eli; as we approached our junction, offered to take us in to the guards, then just continued all the way into Shiloh. Sheyizke l'mitzvot, he should be rewarded with more mitzvot. There are some good people in this world. Walked up the hill home and was too "awake" to go to sleep even though it was past bedtime. Got up before my alarm.

Tonight begins Succot. Good thing I decorated the succah yesterday. My husband still has to get the schach up, not my department.

Chag sameach


  1. I'm still reading! And I'm sure many others are too. With the ease these days of using the RSS feeders, I think people comment less. At least I do. I read the blogs right on my Google Reader, and if I have extra time then I go into the blog and comment. Like today! :) Sorry you've felt neglected!

    chag sameach!

  2. I am still reading too!

    Chag Sameach!

  3. thank you both

    I guess I shouldn't pay too much attention to the statistics.

    One of the messages of Succot is that the "ikar," most important thing isn't the structure, it's the message.

    Chag Sameach


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