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Sunday, October 07, 2007

Waiting and "Interference"

Well, we're all just going to have to wait for pictures of the baby, our first grandson, since I haven't seen him yet. G-d willing I'll be there today, and my daughter will want me to take pictures sans flash, etc.

And the "interference" has been electrical. For the past few weeks we've been suffering all sorts of "quick blackouts." Suddenly, for a second or two, there's no electricity. This happens almost every morning around 6am. This morning it happened three times. On Erev (the eve of) Simchat Torah, we were without electricity for over an hour and a half. First it didn't seem all that bad, since light would flash on, so we knew they were trying to get it going.

I was in the middle of walking my friend home. There was too much mist to have much light from the quarter moon, and we were on a path which has lots of steps, and there is no railing. Her night-vision ended up even worse than mine. We kept having to wait until I adjusted to the starlight. Then we took tiny low steps, so we wouldn't fall down the stairs. Finally I got her to her house. And then I managed on the long stairless path connecting our houses.

It was a problem not being able to put the food away in the fridge, but when I got up in the middle of the night, the electricity was back on and I got everything put away. Neighbors had a fire in their house, since they left a candle in their bathroom which was too hot and burnt through the plastic of their toilet tank.


  1. Anonymous7/10/07 13:34

    Yeah, that was kinda our fault.. the blackout went all the way to Ariel.

    We had a cable go down near our shin-gimmel. When Chevrat Chashmal tried to turn things back on, it caused an explosion in the transformer box.

    Everyone but us had power back within 2 hours. We were without for 6 hours.

  2. Oh, boy. I didn't know the story. thanks for telling me
    I hope you guys got through it alright.


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