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Friday, November 16, 2007

Curves #4, Wedding and TV

Not in that order!

Crazy day yesterday. Things done, but time wasted.

I had to be in Jerusalem to audition for a TV talk show. It's a private initiative, which is all I can say for the moment. A few months ago, I had been asked to be part of a different one, which never got off the ground. If anything happens with this one, I'll let you know.

They served sandwiches for lunch, and of course I ate too much.

Afterwards, I had nothing to do for awhile. The Curves I've been going to does the "siesta" thing between 12 and 4, so I was stuck and feeling rather bloated. I walked around Jerusalem. My bag on wheels was packed with my Curves clothes, towel and clothes and shoes for a wedding, so I couldn't go shopping. But I passed by this book store, "Stein's 2nd hand and whatever books" on King George Street. Even though I never buy books, since we have too many and I can always borrow. But I went in after seeing some translated Judaica thinking that maybe they have the one book I do want, Biblical Samuel, in Hebrew-English. Inside was another woman who had been at the audition; I guess I wasn't the only one with time to waste. I have been looking for the Soncino edition. They had it, and I bought it! Baruch Hashem. I soon called Marallyn to tell her the good news.

I wandered some more, window shopped and finally got on the #6 bus to Pisgat Zeev, Curves. I got there over half hour early and sat outside reading my new book. I had a nice workout, shower, got dressed and made up for the wedding, wasting as much time as possible. It was still much too early.

I took the bus to French Hill, more time to waste. I went into a coffee shop and had an awful "French Vanilla," while I read the book some more to stretch out the time.

Then I slowly, slowly walked to the Hyatt. I stepped into the lobby and saw a bride all dolled up. Funny, she didn't look like the neighbor's kid. Then I realized that she wasn't. It was an Arab family. I guess the hotel has more than one wedding some nights. Then I glanced at the elevators just as the bride, from my neighborhood stepped out. I started taking pictures of her and her friends and accompanied them down to the "reception area."

Beautiful wedding, to much delicious food. I'll, bli neder, post pictures and more stories about it.

I still have dozens and dozens of emails to answer and Shabbat to prepare and picture cd's do burn and....


  1. i loveddddddddddddd that you found that book...sorry i couldn't talk to you more...was feeling absolutely rotten...better today...will get to your next chapter in a few days when i'm really back online...been a very stressful couple of weeks over here..stay safe my friend...i love that you will be on TV...let us know more when you can...yahoooooooooo... a sweet shabbat shalom...stay safe...love mar

  2. sarah, thanks, we'll see what happens with it.
    marallyn, hope you're feeling better!


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