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Thursday, November 01, 2007

Reducing Curves at "Curves"

I finally made it to Curves, to see if it can be my new fitness program. They opened a branch in Pisgat Zeev, and I took a month's trial membership. Let's see how it works out.

So far it seems great, and I feel fine, even though I walked too much to get there and back to the bus. It's a bit further from the bus than I had thought, but I survived day one, and I can always take buses and taxis, like I did for the Neve Yaakov pool.

I'll keep you updated.


  1. Anonymous2/11/07 00:11

    Right On!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I had a look at Curves (to see if I could work there but they wanted someone who could work Saturday so that was out).

    It's good because you can make it as hard or as easy as you need with a full body workout and they have a well rounded 'plan' for a healthy lifestyle.

  3. risa, Now, let's see how I can get enough visits in per week.

    ~sarah~ Well, you can work here. It closes Friday at 12!


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