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Monday, November 19, 2007

Scenes From a Wedding

Last Thursday night we were at a gorgeous wedding in Jerusalem.

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There was too much food.

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Impressive fireworks.

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And we took some of the flowers back to Shiloh to decorate the Sheva Brachot--post wedding celebrations. That was a lesson in "confidence." My friend was asked to collect the flowers. She brought buckets, but as the wedding wound down, she and her kids didn't quite know how to procede. What would people say? Could they really just go from table to table taking away the flowers?

I told them not to worry. "Lehavdil," different but, let's learn from Olmert. There he is, the country's least popular ever Prime Minister, with single digit approval ratings. Does he ever show any insecurity about it? No. He enters rooms with a big confident smile on his face. He says and does the most outrageous things and just dares everyone to defy him. He must have read every "self-help" "how to succeed" book ever published.
I'll help. We'll just go, with a confident expression on our faces, from table to table and collect the flowers.
So, that's what we did.

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  1. very very beautiful pictures!! i love how relaxed the guests look..not this America Hoopla for Vera Wang dresses when their the guests...not the bride..

    I rather enjoyed your point with the flowers...go forth with confidence..makes such strong sense!

  2. we sometimes do that, what will they do with all those excess wedding flowers anyway?

  3. Thanks, crusty, how are you? Our weddings here are so joyous, and of course dress style is totally different from with what you're familiar.

    the..., yes, I find all those flowers a waste and am glad when they're reused.


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