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Thursday, February 21, 2008

Lots Planned for Today

So if you don't hear much from me, don't panic, please. Just keep on dropping in to check up, or just set up one of those rss things. And if you know how to do that, please let me know. OK?

Another load is in the machine... The sky is getting blue-er. Is blue and exception to the "add -er and -est to short words rule?"

And while I'm mentioning grammar, my husband found this great online dictionary.

Enjoy your day!!


  1. Anonymous21/2/08 08:01

    That is amazing. I wish I could show that to my students. I teach writing and language arts at a prison. My students would be fascinated.

    Did I hear you say ask the warden if I can take in a lap top? Thinking. Thinking.

  2. to set up one of the RSS thingies...... 'google' "GOOGLE READER" .........it walks you through inputting your favorite blogs then all you have to do is check it and each time you check it it tells you if any of the blogs on your list have new posts. It also provides snippets of the posts, and sometimes the whole post, so that you can run through them quickly.
    good luck!

  3. Anonymous21/2/08 16:02

    I second Emah S's vote for Google reader; I use it and am a big fan! Not that I love Google, but they do have some very intuitive and elegant services.

  4. Yes, yes on Google Reader.

    You can have it set up a feed for comments on a blog, so you don't have to keep checking for those.

    Try it out, and ask questions as you go along. It's a good way to try out new blogs, too. You can easily unsubscribe if you find the new blog uninteresting, offensive, or just takes too much time to look at.

  5. vicki, good luck with the warden.
    emah s, t' and leora,
    Sounds like good advice.
    I get overwhelmed by my emils, blogging etc.
    I'm so glad you visit here. I visit when I can, and now I ought to get some sleep, but maybe a quick update. Can't even type straight.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Please visit again.