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Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The Maven and No Dancing Tonight

The English Teacher I am forces me to admit that there's no connection between the two parts of the title.

The Maven
Yes, our trusty computer maven was over today. We hadn't needed him for almost a full year, since last March, and it's already the end of February. This computer, bli eyin haraa, has been healthy. It was never a fancy one, and now the keyboard is fine for touch-typists, but if you don't know where the letters are, you may find it rather frustrating. Luckily, touch-typing (called blind typing in Hebrew) was a required subject in the 7th Grade in JHS 74, Bayside (towards Fresh Meadows) NY. I remember sitting straight and tall, intimidated by the imposing manual typewriting we learned on. We were never allowed to look at the paper, only the "instruction book." I was a horrendous typist. (I still am, but don't tell anybody.) I knew that I'd never be a secretary. Today, decades, many decades later, I must admit that it's the only thing useful I learned in school. There was a time when I said that Typing and Sewing were the most practical things I had learned, but I haven't sewn for almost twenty years.
How did I get on this tangent?
Oh, yes, the maven. He's in touch with netvision trying to get them to fix it. He's our computer's lawyer.

No Dancing Tonight
Don't worry. I'm fine. It's just that we were invited to another wedding and just couldn't get there and back and it is an exhausting week.

Purple doesn't quite seem the right color for this. Why did I choose it?

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