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Friday, February 01, 2008

S'more Snow

Please don't make fun of us here in the Holy Land, where any time that snow sticks to the ground, it's headline news.

Shiloh Snow 1
Of course, the buses could have run, but why ruin the fun?

Shiloh Snow 6

Shiloh Snow 7
A snow holiday was called by the Wisemen of Chelm.

Shiloh Snow 12
It seems like by the time I dragged myself out, everyone else was home and warm.

Shiloh Snow 4
The pool was full, but no swimming.

Shiloh Snow pool
It's funny how some of the trees here seem to belong in more tropical regions. Yes, from their height, it's obvious that they've survived previous snowstorms.

Shiloh Snow 13

Shiloh Snow 10
One major advantage of seeing all this on the screen is that your toes will stay dry and warm. I'm still trying to defrost mine. And you should know, that I had to take my goves off to snap these shots, so I hope you appreciate my m'sirat nefesh on your behalf. Enjoy!

Shiloh Snow 14

Shiloh Snow 11

Shiloh Snow 9

Shiloh Snow 8

Shiloh Snow 5

Shiloh Snow 3

Shiloh Snow 2

Shiloh Snow me
Shabbat Shalom!!


  1. I took that last one.

    The Husband

  2. Yes, thank you.

    I'm not one of those to use the timer and then run to the "spot."

  3. Anonymous1/2/08 15:52

    Those are stunning pictures but I must admit they STILL don't make me miss snow. Nope, I have had enough to last me a few lifetimes.
    Although I do still have my fabulous Canadian boots and all the gear, I really don't want to break them free of their moorings (moving boxes) for many more years.
    Oh, and did you get to burn calories by shoveling? You would have burned more per hour than plain old swimming! Especially if you have a corner lot and do ALL the sidewalks!
    Shabbat Shalom

  4. Anonymous1/2/08 16:02

    Shabbat Shalom!!!

  5. I posted a slide show I made of the various photos from the snow day, including several of Shilo in my own blog.

  6. Shabbat Shalom Batya! Are those oranges on the snowmen? So funny - even more incongruous! ;-)

  7. Good Shabbos! Thanks for sharing those pictures.

    I get it Hashem is "whitening" Eretz Yisroel.
    (yes I know its corny)

  9. tamiri, thanks
    We didn't really "shovel" much. I didn't at least. I wish I had good boots!

    t, and Shavua Tov to you!

    ps, I'll have to check out your pics.

    ellie, guess so, Winter is orange season.

    simplej, thanks!!

    ying, yes a "white wash!"

  10. The artist in me wants to link this picture:

    with this one:


    and maybe put them both in a slideshow. With the song "hey, ho, hinenu muchan. Geshem, sheleg, ruach sayara..."

  11. Leora, I see that you've noticed that most of my pictures are taken from the same spot.


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