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Friday, March 21, 2008

Better Ways to Celebrate

Today's Purim, as was last night. And yesterday was my parents' 60th Wedding Anniversary, on the goyish calendar. I never checked the Jewish date.

When I tried to call my parents, nobody answered. Later on my daughter in NY called to say that my father was hospitalized. This morning, night there, I called my mother, who said he's doing better, B"H. But of course, with his 88th birthday coming up, G-d willing, in August, he's not getting any younger. Neither is she.

We hope to celebrate with them when in NY in the early summer.

Please pray for a Refuah Shleimah, a full and speedy recovery:
Alexsander Ziskin ben Ginnalla


  1. Refuah Shlayma. I am reminded that I need to remind my husband to say the names of both my uncle and aunt. Hard when the people I know as middle-aged are now elderly.

    Your father has quite a name. Have you blogged about him? Would be interested to hear about him.

  2. Thank you
    Actually, I rarely blog about my parents.
    How about this?

  3. refuah shlemah. Please keep us posted.

  4. Thanks
    I don't know much, but I'll post now.


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