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Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Memories--Not Mine

This morning I decided to check out the Bell Park Gardens "memory site." At least that's what I call it.

We moved to Bell Park Gardens, Bayside, NY, when I was an infant and left when I was 13.

It was a great place to grow up. In those days there weren't many cars in the parking lots during the day, so we could ride our bikes, roller skate, etc. I guess today's kids don't have the freedom we did.

I used to check out and write on the BPG site, but I rarely knew anyone mentioned. And when I replied to something I was ignored. I guess that nobody remembers me. And the people who run/dominate the site are much younger.


  1. You are cute! What a sweet face.

  2. Thanks
    BPG was such a great place in those days. I wonder what it's like now.


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