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Sunday, March 02, 2008

Not Quite The Saturday Night of One's Dreams

As "old marrieds," we rarely do anything on Saturday nights. If there's an "event" here in Shiloh, I usually go, but they aren't frequent. Last night was a Memorial Shiur (Torah lecture), in memory of a neighbor who had passed away a few years ago. Rabbi Elchanan Bin Nun spoke about Purim Meshulash, "Triple Purim," which we have this year.

Purim is on Friday, meaning that Shushan Purim is on Shabbat, but we can't do the usual Purim Mitzvot on Shabbat, so what happens? And in Shiloh, since we celebrate "double Purim," it's even more complicated. I wrote this the last time we had Purim Meshulash. G-d willing, bli neder, I'll write more about the Halachot (Jewish Laws) later.

In the middle of his talk, the emergency beeper went off. Our hostess ran over to check. While she was out of the room, there were whispers, "It's announcing a funeral." And yes, a half hour after getting home, I was at the funeral of Shiloh's oldest citizen.


  1. I have never celebrated the double purim. Sounds like fun!

    A shame about your oldest citizen, although it sounds like he had a very good run.

  2. ellie, very few places have double Purim. Some years we've had great women's parties on the second night.
    He did have a full life, with good and bad.


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