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Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Long Distance

I can't do much to help my parents long distance. That's the reality of it. If they want real help, they'd have to move here. A doctor even recommended it, when they were here six months ago for a big family simcha (joyous event.)

My mother fell and broke her arm at my cousin's daughter's house when there for the 2nd seder.

Pray for a refuah shleimah, a full and speedy recovery for Shifra bat Chaya Raisia.

Thank You


  1. It's hard to be so far away from close family.

  2. Refuah shleima to Mrs. Spiegelman.

  3. leora, I've been away most of my life, but now my parents aren't managing.

    risa, thanks and how's your mother?


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