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Monday, April 28, 2008

No Beating Passover Cookies

True, Passover is over, and you probably don't want to think about cooking with matzah meal, especially the baking. I must admit that I haven't baked kosher for Passover cakes for years and never baked cookies, even though I bought a special oven for Passover quite a few years ago.

I realized that the effort of beating those egg whites, gently folding all the ingredients and keeping the house calm--no banging!-- while waiting for the delicate mixtures to bake weren't worth it. That's because, even without help, I could eat one of those effort-filled cakes in minutes, if not seconds. Also, we can now buy a very large variety of Kosher for Passover cakes, loved by most of my family. I'm the holdout, and I'm the one who shouldn't eat them any way.

Nu, so why does this post advertise "No Beating Passover Cookies?" Simply, because you'll be getting a recipe. I visited my neighbor to return the insulated bag she lent us to schlepp the food to Jerusalem, and she gave us some delicious "Chocolate Chip Kosher for Passover Cookies." Of course, I could have said "no" and refused to sample them, but I was curious. She had them stored in the freezer, meaning they don't sit around on the counter, and they freeze well. You don't need a mixer, since they don't require beaten egg whites.

Chocolate Chip Cookies
1+1/4 c. sugar
2/3 c. potato starch
½ tsp. bk. Powder
½ tsp. bk. Soda
1+1/2 c. matza meal
1 pkg vanilla sugar
2 eggs
2/3 c. oil
Juice of one orange
Stir in chocolate chips
Refrigerate a while
Bake until sides are golden for approximately 15 minutes at 350°F (a hotter oven will cause the cookies to spread too much)
Makes about 80 cookies

The original source of the recipe is unknown.
Enjoy, but in moderation! Why do all the good things have calories? Next, I have to get her recipe for those coconut-chocolate yummies....

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