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Thursday, April 10, 2008

Why Will This Passover Seder Be Different From Others?

Actually, there are a number of reasons. I'll just write about one right now. I'll have some new clothes. Usually, I don't. Some people make a point of having something new to say "Shehechiyanu." That's a rare case for me.

But this year is different. It's not that I've gone shopping for new clothes. I buy things on sale, when/if I come across clothes that fit of the right price which I need, or will need.

It just ends up that there are a few things waiting in the closet. They needed the right hat. So I bought ribbon-yarn, but I didn't end up crocheting with them. Then this week, my neighbor, who owns the best and most veteran hat store in Netanya, had a "hat bazaar" in his home. He does it about twice a year. I went down and took the pictures posted on Yesterday. I found a hat my daughter may like for the wedding we have in the states early July, or just because it's her style. I tried not to buy anything for myself, but one hat, just one, cried to me to try me on. And I did and I bought it, and it matches the clothes which have been waiting in the closet, so, I have new clothes to wear on Pesach.


  1. I'm glad you treated yourself to something new. Our rabbi taught us in a women's class that we should have some new clothes for Yom Tov!

  2. Thanks
    That's why I don't feel guilty about it. There are rabbis who consider it a requirement for the holiday.

  3. Anonymous13/4/08 09:47

    Ever since I got back from Israel, I didn't feel like wearing a suit on Shabbat and Yom Tov, at least not in certain climates. Still, some occasions here call for suits, and I somehow went from three suits to one over the course of this year, so it looks like I'll be going suit shopping tomorrow. Whether I can get the suit checked for shaatnez and tailored before the chag is another story. Then there are the new ties to go with the suit...at least I have the shopping of New York City available to me!

  4. t, hold onto your "taste of Israel." Don't get too American, please.


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