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Friday, April 18, 2008

Wishing You...

... a wonderful, happy, healthy and kosher Passover.

This year is easier in some ways. We have Shabbat to relax before the Passover Seder. In a modern kitchen, there are the fridge and freezer to store all the prepared food. We can begin the Seder fully rested.

Remember that the Seder is the story, not the food, besides the ritual food, of course. If everyone eats the required quantities they shouldn't be hungry for much else, especially late at night. At least that's what I keep telling my family--not that they listen. We spent a few years at my sister-in-law's and she cooks up a storm. Amazing how much we ate.

Maybe that's why you're not supposed to eat a heavy meal the afternoon before the Seder...

I'll be back blogging in a few days, with my report!

Shabbat Shalom and Chag Kasher V'Sameach
Have a Peaceful Shabbat and a Kosher and Happy Passover

Stay Healthy!


  1. Look forward to the report.

    I agree about not wanting too much food late at night...a Korach sandwich and a bowl of soup sounds perfect. It seems like forever until we get to eat matza.

    Chag Sameach.

  2. Anonymous19/4/08 05:10

    Happy Passover, dear lady.

  3. leora, when the food's in front of me, I eat it. So I ate the saltwater egg and the chicken soup with kneidlach and the beef and the kugels and vegetables and the salad and the three ritual matzot and the lettuce and horseraddish and charoset and two cups of wine and two cups of juice, or I wouldn't have made it down the stairs...

    vicki, thanks!


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