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Saturday, May 03, 2008

Too Much, Just Too Much

I felt really guilty. My neighbor called and asked me if I'd join a "T'hillim group." That's a group of people who divide the 150 chapters of Psalms and each say her (or his) portion daily (or on set days) with the appropriate prayers and names.

I've been part of one group for many years. We request from G-d a Refuah Shleimah (full and speedy recovery) for a long list of people. We began it when a neighbor's son was being treated for brain cancer. He's still alive. Within a short time lots of other names have joined the list. I added all sorts of extra chapters and names, and a few years ago I got a call to join another group. I was told that the person's name couldn't be added to the first. So I'm saying about ten chapters for her.

When another neighbor was diagnosed with cancer, I joined a third group and that was just too much for me. Making time to say three sets of T'hillim with the appropriate prayers etc made it all a terrible burden. He died soon later and I decided that I wouldn't join any new ones.

But on Friday I got that call. At first I started asking how long the chapters were, but then I remembered and I explained and apologized. I say this friend's name with the first list.

I guess I'll always feel guilty for saying no.


  1. It's hard...you want to help, but you (we all!) can only do so much. Especially women...we need to take care of ourselves first. Then we will have the energy to help others, in ways that we are good at, that are not to taxing on ourselves.

  2. It really bothers me that there is more than one community T'hillim being said, because saying it multply instead of united seems bad and wasteful.


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