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Thursday, June 05, 2008

Busy Yesterday

I started the day at Tel Shiloh for our Women's Rosh Chodesh (beginning of the Jewish Month) Prayers. We had a nice, largest so far, group from the Golan, Rechovot, Eli, Jerusalem and Shiloh. The participants originated from Europe, North and South America and Israel. Next month, Rosh Chodesh Tammuz will be either July 3rd or 4th; I'll let you know within a couple of days. Of course you can always go to Tel Shiloh, just to see the site where the Mishkan, the Tabernacle stood for 369 years.

The Tel is open for visitors, prayers and special events at all times. For more information, call the Tourist Office of Tel Shiloh, 02-994-4019.

There's now a Coffee Shop--Gallery, and I have pictures of Shiloh on sale.
After our prayers at the Tel, I went to Jerusalem. I don't know why, but there was a major traffic jam. I think that it was more than because Jaffa Road is partially closed for construction. I got off the bus quite a long distance from where I had planned, and I walked.
My kids organized a birthday party for me. We were at the Anna Ticho Museum, downtown Jerusalem. This time the toilets didn't smell, but I had to send back my vegetables which were drowning in salt. They were very nice and prepared a whole plate of unsalted ones. That restaurant is excellent about things like that. They're very generous about replacing problematic food.

I even had a little "birthday cake," and when my family sang Happy Birthday in Hebrew, others joined in!

Now for something else. I'm curious as to whether the guards, manning the x-ray security machine at the bus station are permitted to talk on their phones at work. This guard had her phone hidden in her hair. My camera got caught int the machine, and I had trouble finding it. I wanted her to check the screen, but she was oblivious. Luckily it came out.


  1. Anonymous5/6/08 08:40

    I've been in traffic situations like that one; frustrating when you're pressed for time.

    I ate at Beit Ticho on chol hamoed sukkot last year; it was very enjoyable. Eating in the sukkah at night was such an experience!

  2. I wasn't pressed for time, but now I'm exhausted from the added activity and lack of sufficient liquids.


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