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Saturday, July 05, 2008

Plastic Wedding

Sound strange?

plastic wedding

Well, in a sense, that's the kinesthetic memory and visual memory that is strongest about the gorgeous wedding we attended. No, sorry, stupid me, I thought it would be crass to take my camera. Things have changed in NY. The wedding was in Pier 60, West Side, 20th St.

Gorgeous view.

But it was a treif, non-kosher wedding. Kosher food was ordered for a few dozen or so "traditionalists," "fanatics" or whatever we are. The reception, which was after the chupah (ceremony), had a kosher table with well wrapped and sealed plates of Formost's best and trays of sliced kosher turkey and pastrami and rolls and mustard and something I can't name. Then at the meal the kosher wine, poured by goyim--yes--and more plastic wrapped and wrapped and more wrappings on each course:
  • grilled veggies
  • salad
  • main course
  • dessert

I must say that our table company was the tops. Some of my very favorite people.

It was a very joyous wedding, really. Our hosts did their best to make us comfortable and feel wanted.



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