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Friday, July 18, 2008


I was planning an upbeat post about preparing for Shabbat, having even more guests etc

But as I sit here at the computer I find myself dozing off and great difficulties in controlling my fingers on the keypad board. Yes, I am tired!

Maybe I should rest. I'll be drinking wine, so I'll fall asleep tonight.

I just want to blog about how I cooked the chicken first, before I rest. I'd like it included in the next KCC, the one Soccer Dad is hosting. And by the way, is anyone interested in hosting later ones?

I put the chicken pieces in a large "glass" oven dish. Then I added slices of ginger, sweet red wine, Tamary sauce and ? Strange, I can't remember.


  1. It took me a few days to catch up after my trans-Atlantic trip, too.

    Get the rest. Think and write later. We'll read when you're ready!

  2. Now I remember; I put mustard seeds on the chicken.

    leora, thanks

    The nap was good and I still got everything done.


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