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Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Trying To Keep Busy

Summer is always a tough time for me. Ever since my sons did their army service, and the house became so empty, I've had problems keeping busy. The pool isn't enough. I don't hang out there lying in the sun. I just go for my 40-60 minutes, as early as I can and then get out of the sun.

Yesterday, I made myself get out and take a walk, since it wasn't women's day. I didn't walk as far as I had planned, since I ran into a friend and talked and it was getting too hot and sunny. But later, at high noon, I went down to the toy/clothing store to get a present for the newest member of the clan, my cousin's grandson and his two big sisters. So that made two walks.

At night, when we had women's pool hours, I went for a swim.

Yesterday, I got a call from a nearby school asking if maybe I'd be interested in teaching a class. It's tempting, since it would take care of some financial needs, like my sick fund and pension payments. Even if that's all it covers, I'd be happy. I told them that I didn't think I could handle a "real" class, just the remedial. And the principal said that she would check out my references. No promises. "Fine with me," I told her. I wasn't looking for anything. "It's all siyata d'Shmaya, in G-d's hand."

I'd probably make more money from unemployment insurance the first year.

Who knows what's next...


  1. Well, one thing you can do to keep busy is go to that International Bloggers Conference! That's where I would be if I were in Israel!

  2. That's in another four weeks...
    Today I saw old friends. I'll blog about it, bli neder.


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