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Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Customized Coffee

For some time, I've been getting bored with my usual coffee, an Israeli Turkish, made in an ordinary coffeemaker. But the prices of fancy flavored coffee, which can't even be found in our local store, are much too much.
So during my recent visit to NY, I bought myself some cheap vanilla-flavored coffee, but it was "too flavored" and not coffee enough for me. So I began to combine the vanilla with a "regular strong" I then bought in the NY supermarket and discovered a coffee, coffee enough to wake up to but vanilla enough to taste like a special treat.
So, I bought myself two more packages of the vanilla to take home and was very pleasantly surprised that the vanilla worked even better with my Israeli coffee.
Now, what will I do when I finish my stock?


  1. I just bought the Elite vanilla flavored coffee. It was 21 shekel, not to bad. I like it plain but if it's to "vanilla-ee" for you, you can try mixing it again with your regular coffee.

  2. Anonymous6/8/08 09:52

    I love coffee, which is a problem when it comes to fasting (like next week) because my body keeps telling me it needs the stuff. I always try to lower my consumption before the fasts but somehow it seems more natural before Yom Kippur than in the summer.
    We don't get much flavored coffee here; don't even know if it is kosher.

  3. i just use a bit of vanilla essence if i want that flavour.

    otherwise, my dad bought a whole lot of different flavoured syrups that he found which have a hechsher. but they are sooo sweet though.

  4. So no one has convinced Dunkin' Donuts to come to Israel yet? By American standards, their coffee is inexpensive and excellent. But I suppose if they came to Israel, they might not be cheap.

    I have a coffee press and a little grinder, so I can make fresh coffee from beans every day. I just add a little oatmilk (or I drink it black). The oatmilk is sweet already (can't do cow's milk at all, body would shriek with terror!)

    Yeah, and like Ilana-Davita, I need to go low on this stuff because Tisha B'Av is coming.

  5. ladies,

    baile, I haven't seen the elite one here. When I run out of my American, I can buy it or try ~sarah's~ trick with the vanilla drops...
    and ilana, considering that 9 av is after Shabbat and Shabbat is just an instant coffee, that should be sufficient reduction.
    leora, dd was here and gone
    considering how expensive the fancy coffee cost to buy ready-made, it is much cheaper to make it at home in my coffeemaker.


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