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Friday, August 22, 2008

Friday, Again

And that means all the Shabbat preparations, plus.

Plus, plus...

I'm hosting my Shiur Nashim, that's the Women's Shabbat class which floats around the neighborhood. Each Shabbat it's in a different home. For the past few months, every two weeks it's at a specific neighbor's since that's when her mother visits, and her mother can no longer walk any further than the wc, but her mind is still ok, and she loves the shiur and comes to my neighbor every other Shabbat. It makes it easier for the organizer. We've been having this shiur for almost 27 years, a few months after the neighborhood was established and populated. It's the longest running shiur in Shiloh.

I don't have to get all fancy for the shiur, but we are having a guest, a guest for all of Shabbat. I got a call from someone who was placing soldiers on the Nativ Program, a religious studies program for potential converts and others who want to learn more about Judaism.

It'll give me more to blog about, most probably.

But now I have to get moving, doven, go to the pool and then start cooking and cleaning, including making one of the kids' bedrooms habitable for a guest, an unknown guest.

So, don't panic if I don't blog or comment on the comments.

Shabbat Shalom U'Mevorach
Have a Peaceful and Blessed Sabbath


  1. Shabbat Shalom. Glad to hear of all the wonderful pursuits.


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