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Tuesday, August 19, 2008

If You Can't Take The Heat...

...don't leave the house!

That was yesterday's program. It was hard enough to go to the merpeset, terrace, to hang and take in the wash. The laundry was so hot, that it felt like it had been taken out of the electric dryer mid-cycle.

I didn't go out until it was time for the movie (see previous post), and from there I went straight to the pool. I didn't dress in my usual old bathrobe. I wore what was once a fancy dress, wore it to my baby's Bar Mitzvah, but last year I decided that it made a perfect "robe" to wear outside to the pool.

Maybe I'll wear it again, today, soon.

Time to get ready to go. Pool's already open.


  1. This been brutal and has made packing a real horror...

    Thankfully the new place has A/C in the salon, but packing our upstairs... we have to do it at night.

  2. It's hot in Chicago too, but a very different heat than Israel - heavy and humid vs scorching and dry. The one saving grace in Israel are that the nights are cooler - not so in my neck of the woods.

  3. pesky, moving? where?

    frum, here we're in the dry mountains, but the coastal plain is awful; doesn't cool off.

    ps the pool was so nice this morning.


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