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Sunday, August 31, 2008

**Apparently She's Not Jewish, and...

Apparently I am mistaken about her being Jewish! Please read the comments. How is it that people think she is Jewish?

... and she has five kids, and one of them has Down's Syndrome. And did I say that Sarah Palin, who was chosen by Senator John McCain to be his choice as Vice Presidential running mate, is Jewish?

All sorts of political pundits were hinting very broadly that McCain ought to choose a woman.

She's, young and pretty, too. Five kids, rare for a politician of any sex. It's probably unheard of for an American politician. Maybe things are very different in Alaska.

As a mother of five, myself, I really get a kick out it. This should be a very interesting campaign.


  1. Anonymous31/8/08 11:01

    Sarah Palin is NOT Jewish. She is Christian and while a lot of Conservative Christians are pro-Israel (no doubt) they are not so for the same reasons as you and me.
    Don't forget that they believe that THEIR messiah will come back when all the Jews are back in Israel AND convert to you know whom.
    Hope this explanation doesn't seem oversimplistic but it is only a comment. Maybe I should try to blog about this issue.

  2. Oh, dear, Batya. Looks like you need to do a little fact checking.

    But I do enjoy your enthusiasm. She has certainly perked my interest. I think her not being Jewish is better; too many Jewish politicians don't want to be seen as being *too* Jewish.

    I'm going to keep reading...see Yid with Lid and Soccer Dad for more on Sarah Palin and the Jews.

  3. She's not Jewish. She hunts fergoodnesssakes.

  4. Anonymous31/8/08 21:06

    She hunts fergoodness sakes.
    I mentioned this too on Trep's blog!

  5. I stand corrected.
    Thank you


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