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Friday, August 29, 2008

Surprising Myself

I'm one of the world's worst housekeepers, so I've always avoided having people sleep over. But somehow, last Shabbat I agreed to host two soldiers on the Nativ program for learning about Judaism. Not only did they sleep over, but we hosted them for all Shabbat meals.

Now, this Shabbat...
OK, not strangers, but we'll have three sleepover guests, my neighbors' two elder grandchildren and either her daughter, their aunt, or their father, her son-in-law. Her other daughter, their mother, just had a new baby and there's no room in her house for the whole crew. Funny thing is that the son-in-law's maternal grandmother and my mother were high school friends. His great-grandmother was our Jerusalem neighbor and my mentor in many ways. That entire family was so good to us, and that was before it was discovered that the old woman's daughter-in-law had known my mother. We had been invited to his parents' wedding. And then when the young couple got married we made Sheva Brachot on Shabbat.

That previous paragraph is much too long and run-on, but it's Friday morning and I'm busy. Also, there are other connections between us and the clan...

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