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Thursday, September 04, 2008

Amazing--Is This For Ellul?

Maybe this is an example of how Dovbear has gotten so popular. I'm not sure. I think some people like a different aspect of his blogging persona. But anyway, when he got wind of the fact that I was not amused by the fact that he had put words in my mouth, claiming that I had just self-promoted for the jblogger convention microphone, he very generously offered me the opportunity to reply on his blog.

Check it out for the comment-discussion. Join in of course, plus commenting here, if you please.

Best Intentions—to Hell or Accomplishment?

I understand that DovBear, Gil Student and others were finding the
Jblogger Convention rather staid and boring. We Jews may be known for our arguments, but the truth is that we jbloggers are a mostly mellow bunch. And the programming, best described as serial pontifications, especially as it appeared on even the largest screen, must have looked like we were sedated after lobotomies.

But why did you guys take it out on me?

As soon as I had heard that there was to be a
Jblogger Convention, I decided to utilize the opportunity to promote the jblog carnivals, especially my Kosher Cooking Carnival and the newly resurrected JPIX. I walked around the convention with signup sheets, trying to recruit hosts, and I wasn't shy about reminding Steve of webads that he had promised me "question time" at the mike. I used it to spout my spiel about the jblog carnivals, community (since most of the panelists had used the term), and that was it. I was surprised that Gil Student used his "right of reply" to put down as a very insulting idea that he could be in the same "community" as most of us jbloggers.

Then, post-convention, my husband sent me a quotation from dovbear, who's that?, who claimed that I had gotten up and self-promoted saying: "Read my blog." Mistakenly, kav zchut, I had thought that maybe the recording wasn't clear, but later I checked and that wasn't the problem. I ended up discovering that dovbear and Gil had considered the convention boring and wanted to get some debate going, to shake things up. So I was the
fall guy.

Well, you can't have much debate when we had no right of reply. The panelists spoke to the microphone, not to each other. There were no discussions, except far from the microphone. If the convention was really the first, then next time there should be dynamic not static programming.

I'll end with a confession. I'm not a dovbear reader, not at all. I have a hyper-aversion to anything or anyone extremely popular. It's a residue of my parents' constant warning:
"If everyone is jumping off the Brooklyn Bridge, would you do it, too?"

But maybe all those hoards are right and I'm wrong. Dovbear's a mensch for inviting me to send this to his blog.

Sincere Thanks,

Shiloh Musings me-ander The Eye of the Storm , yes, all three.
PS, Sorry, but I don't buy books.

Shabbat Shalom U'Mevorach
May You Have a Peaceful and Blessed Shabbat


  1. politics? No, call it jbloggatics!

  2. So I left a little comment for you on Dov Bear site. I always think someone is going to jump on whatever I say there. I'll stick to commenting on yours. I always get a warm response here. Happy Elul!

    I have this idea in my head to start posting on the "simanim" for Rosh Hashana. Maybe on Sunday I'll start...

  3. thanks
    I really don't go for the "nasty" blogging. But you know that.

    Simmanim, good idea. I always wait until the last minute.

  4. Anonymous4/9/08 16:38

    Great comment! Well said!

    p.s. I have a new nephew!!

  5. thanks, t, and Mazaltov!


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