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Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Coming Home!

G-d willing my baby is returning home today. He's now inflight, as the saying goes.

Two years ago, he went to the states for a family "event" and was suddenly offered a job. He visited a few times for special events here.

Now I have to clear out his room, not that I expect him to stay here very long. The "boys' room" is rarely in use, so that's where the high chair and stroller and all sorts of other things are stored.

So, please pray for his successful reabsorption home, G-d willing.


  1. good luck with that!! :)
    enjoy having him back home.

  2. Thanks
    And when will you be back?

  3. B'ezrat hashem
    Hope it goes well and he stays where he 'belongs'.

  4. don't know when i'll be back yet, but hopefully sooner rather than later.
    my brother arrives back in the holy land today though :)

  5. risa, AMEN!

    sarah, I'd love to see you again.


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