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Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Emergency! Is JRants Dead?!?

I was working on the upcoming Havel Havelim, having cleaned out the HH mailbox, not found anything interesting via other people's blogrolls, so I went back to my old trusty aggregate and instead of blogs, got aggravated!!!

JRants was empty/blank. Is it dead?

Please save me, or there will be a very anorexic Havel Havelim.


  1. Maybe people will send in their posts at 5 pm on Friday afternoon?

  2. If that's the case, I'll finish on Sunday, since from "after Friday" the posts go to the next host. I'll be very busy, B"H, on Friday preparing for Shabbat.

  3. Why not use JBlog Central, a very good source? Here:


  4. Honestly, I don't like them. I've been listed with them from the very beginning and even used to have both my blogs very high in their top 50.

    Their rating system is crooked, no objective criteria. It's just a farce.

    I liked the jrant listing from which I chose "blindly" without distractions. I'm always distracted by my ratings on blogcentral.

  5. Anonymous12/9/08 09:59

    I've just sent a link. Hope it is not too late and that you find it ok.

  6. I don't know if jrants is dead, but it sure looks ill!

  7. ilana, it arrived

    cos' definitely pale, rbc must be very low


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