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Monday, September 08, 2008

Tremping, Thank You

I've blogged about tremping* over the years, since I do tremp. Of course, I'm not the only blogger who does, though I'm probably the oldest female blogger who tremps.

Ya'aqov, of neighboring Tapuach, just posted a very comprehensive guide, encyclopedic, to tremping. He mentions so many different things, all important.

For me tremping supplements our official public transportation. In principle I take buses when possible, since I don't want the government to announce that bus service isn't necessary, since "all the settlers tremp." There are times and destinations not serviced by Egged, the bus monopoly for Jerusalem and YESHA.

One of the big reasons I couldn't continue teaching is that the lack of proper transportation between Shiloh and Beit El. The stress of...

"How and when will I get to work?" and
"How and when will I get to home?"

...were too much for me. There was a time when I "enjoyed" it, but in recent years standing in the strong, hot sun or the cold, windy rain were more than my body and mind could handle. I also felt that the people I worked with didn't appreciate the efforts I made to get to work. I guess that's what really broke me in the end.

I'm very grateful to all the generous people who give me rides, in the past, present and future. Without this chessed, generosity, life would be so much more difficult.



  1. B"H

    Whew! I didn't even cover stuff like complicated routes like yours, Neveh Tzuf and Ma'aleh Levona.

  2. There's no end to the advice we can give.


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