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Tuesday, September 16, 2008

While Olmert's Giving Away Our Land...

...I'm playing with these crazy computer codes!

Now this is war!

Please do me a favor and click all the pictures to see what happens!

Thanks to Leora! Maybe I'll actually learn something!

Tomorrow I'm going to that internet/blogger/techie thing run by webads. They shouldn't think I'm a senile retard.





  1. Batya,

    On this one, you demonstrated how the "alt" attribute works. It can't find the image (<img alt="dancing" src="http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_LkWNLwIyckQ/SM_nmJ7Ek1I/AAAAAAAABbo/mhAAUmom6DM/s1600-h/jm+tel+jeff+8-08+068.jpg" />) so you have to check the code that's in src. It seems to exist, so maybe it has to do with the fact that the image is so large? Not sure.

    But it did find alt="dancing". So dancing shows up instead of the image.

  2. Whatever...?

    Leora, you're amazing! Thanks


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