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Saturday, October 18, 2008

All Cooked Out

Considering all the cooking, with the Jewish Holidays, even the fast of Yom Kippur requires pre-fast and post-fast meals, the latest Carnival of the Recipes came right in time. I can get plenty of ideas, even if I have to "adjust" the recipes.

Actually, we did "cook out," but my contribution was "homemade." Yes, at home I prepared a carrot salad. All it contains is:

  • carrots, shredded/grated in the food processor

  • a can of pineapple chunks, unsweetened

  • raisins

Yes, that's it. Very easy, tasty and impressive. The raisins are optional, and all you need to remember is to buy the canned pineapple. Nothing can be simpler than that.


  1. I am definitely all cooked out! But I've got to do it all over again on Monday. I'd get take-out, but I've never found a place that makes food good enough to justify the (considerable) expense- we like what I make better :-)

  2. Good thing I'm home; my mother was sure glad to have me cook Shabbat dinner! Everyone liked the new dishes I made, so I guess the meal was a success.

  3. rr, I cooked the Simchat Torah chicken and a meatloaf when I cooked for Shabbat, but then again, we have a very empty house. Cooking and freezing in advance is "almost like" catering.

    t' blog your recipes. you haven't blogged for ages.


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