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Sunday, October 26, 2008

Almost KCC Time

Actually, it's already at the "starting gate," scheduled to be revealed in about 24 hours. Blog Carnival has been down, so nothing has come in for awhile. If you have any posts, I'd be glad to include them. Just mail them to me at shilohmuse at yahoo dot com

And if you miss this deadline, there's always next month. I suggest you just send links as soon as you post something or see something which suits the Kosher Cooking Carnival. Halachik posts, kosher restaurant and cookbook reviews are welcome, too. It's not just a recipe carnival. And anyone who knows anything about kosher cooking knows that you need a lot of halachik knowledge to run a kosher kitchen.

Just today, when I was making my famous two-pot simply delicious vegetable soup I discovered that my carrots weren't "equal." They needed two types of care. One bag said they were grown in Holland, while the other was from the HolyLand, since they were certified that trumot and masrot, tithes, were taken. Can anyone explain?

It's like the little "quizzes" about full-term twin boys requiring britot two days apart, though born only minutes apart. Do you know the answer to that one?

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