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Sunday, October 26, 2008

Coffee, Again

Yes, Baruch Hashem, it's a good sign when I can drink coffee in the morning, but it didn't taste so great with the lemon juice still in my mouth. I should have had a glass of water first to wash it away. I haven't had dairy since Wednesday, or Thursday morning; can't quite remember.

If the wholewheat challah roll is still waiting for me, I'll try Rivka's idea of having it buttered with slices of garlic for breakfast.

I'm so tempted to start baking bread and/or challah again. I haven't done it in years, many years. Actually the last few years it was baked here, it was by "my baby." And then when he went into the army I stopped baking. When I eat bread, I expand like yeast dough, so it's more a yetza haraa, evil inclination, than anything else. My married daughter keeps telling me that I must bake for the segula (spiritual help). To make those blessings, you have to bake a lot. Maybe, I should, bli neder (don't consider it a vow), try to bake just once a month and freeze. If so, I'd have to make room in the freezer, keep less meat and "stuff." We have some Herby challot the grandkids like, which I must use up first.

Even though I'm not working, I don't have time. Lazy me.

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