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Sunday, October 12, 2008

Facing Facebook

OK, after a few weeks on facebook, I don't see much in terms of advantages. I find more communicating via blogs and comments, and of course direct email is even better. And nothing beats real, old-fashioned f2f and even phone calls. In the facebook fishbowl, it's spooky. I don't know what happens to the info.

I keep getting "friend requests" from total strangers who saw my name as a "friend" of other strangers, whom I'm sort of sorry I "friended."

I have info on my blogs up, but I haven't noticed facebook as a "referrer."

No, haven't started twittering, yet. Gevalt.

Must put in another load of wash. Can't do that via the computer.


  1. I agree that Facebook and Twitter can be huge time-sinks. I guess it depends on what you're trying to accomplish.

    For large and diverse groups of people who have a connection, it can either be a way of connecting efficiently and without guilt (unlike e-mail, not required to reply, read, or even keep up) or like drinking from a fire-hose.

    I've been using twitter for about 2months, and Facebook for about one.
    So far, it has been wonderful. I've been able to find long lost friends and family members, and feel connected to some of them and the pulse of their lives through their updates.

    I've also found it useful for trying to get people to vote for Leah in the Someday Stories contest and collect information about our beloved shul sexton, who is retiring after 41 years. We have a short deadline, and Facebook has helped us find people all over the globe who want to be part of our tribute.

    This morning, I found this group. I guess there's more than one way to skin a cat! I think it's a great use of the "new" media network to leverage the human network over the web. (Don't know the guy, but I know one of the group members!)

    The problem, of course, with all these "inboxes" is that there is only so much time for all this, and it's so easy to get spread too thin. Especially in Tishrei.

    Chag sameach!

  2. frog, I waste so much time. I just can't afford more waste. I guess it's harder for me to really get addicted to facebook, when my old friends aren't.

    today has been a rough day

  3. Boruch dayan emet, and may your uncle and your friend's memories be blessings.

    May there be only good news next.

    Chag sameach... May it be a week of simcha and of healing and comfort.


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