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Thursday, October 23, 2008

Getting Fed Up With Facebook

Maybe I'm just not a facebook type person. And I don't think I'll twitter, either. Don't get me totally wrong. I did sign up with facebook and invested a number of hours setting things up, but this morning it has been very frustrating.

Someone sent me a great idea. I should make a facebook group about the Women's Prayers at Tel Shiloh. Actually, she volunteered to do it, but I said I would. Gevalt! What a mistake and waste of time. Every time I try to add someone to the group, the site gets stuck. I keep having to close down explorer.

If you facebook, and you want to join, I presume that you can figure out how.



  1. A few months ago a friend told me to sign up for Facebook so I could look at the pictures on her page. So I did, and before I knew it I was getting "friend requests" (is that what they're called?) from people I hadn't even though of in 15 years. I never did anything to my page and finally I just deleted it because I got tired of all the emails and I wasn't interested in "doing" the Facebook thing. I'll just stick to blogging and emailing for now. I know, I'm way behind the times :-)

  2. Explorer?? Forget that, always use Mozilla Firefox.

  3. rr, I wouldn't mind if people I really knew or once knew wanted to "friend" me, but most of those who do don't know me or never knew me and will never know me. But I feel guilty refusing, since maybe they're bloggers by another name...

    jdj, we mozilla, but the last time I tried firefox I didn't like it.

  4. So far I haven't caught up the Facebook fever but I like Twitter.

  5. Not yet for me, sorry.

  6. I just closed my facebook account 2 weeks ago and I was a HUGE user, totally addicted, 2500+ tagged photos of myself and 254 albums. Sad I know, but then that's that name of the game over there.

    The thing that tipped the scales for me though was the rise of a new type of spamming, where people write notes and tag-spam you with them. They answer some crappy chain mail which instructs them to tag 25 of their friends and talk bullshit.

    I view tagging is a highly personal thing on facebook, and usually I presume that as I was tagged by someone who is a friend, there must be something vitally important to me in it, or perhaps I am IN the note they send me.

    But no, invariably I'm not in there at all, but it's some self-obsessed monologue or some other chain crap, that, if it were in my email I would disregard.

    By tagging me in it, it catches my attention and wastes my time. Why would people I have chosen to call my friends send me spam? I have no idea.

    As a result of this constant spamming by people I thought in real life were not morons, I decided that it was better to remember my friends as people that I actually like and respect, and not as idiots who send me crap that wastes my time, and so the decision to close my facebook account was made.

    I must admit it's been the best decision I've ever made, and although I sometimes think it would be respectful to open my account again and make it easier for my real friends to contact me again, I figure that if they really did want to contact me it's no real effort to pick up the phone or open their email program.

    Alternatively they could (and you could) send me a REAL post to post on my REAL wall, at www.myrealwall.com where I decided to post REAL letters. Anyone's welcome to post on my REAL wall, but I can almost guarantee that the cost of a stamp and the effort of having to put pen to paper will deter most people.

    now THAT's spam filtering!

  7. I rarely go into facebook, preferring emails, blogging, real phone and f2f. And I'm not clicking to see "who" you are either. I post with my real name and am not curious about those who don't.


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