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Thursday, October 09, 2008

Post-Yom Kippur

Nice prayers, perfect weather, and nobody fainted, as far as I know. At least, nobody fainted in our shul's Ezrat Nashim, ladies section. Now I just wonder if G-d will answer our prayers with the answers we prayed for. Will G-d forgive us? Will our sick relatives and friends be healed? Or does G-d want to reward them in the next world already?

I served left-over food, chicken, soup, etc from the pre-Yom Kippur feast. But I didn't eat it. I drank water, had some goat yogurt and salad with a blob of t'china paste and some cooked vegetables.

Shabbat Shalom!

Please pray for a refuah
, complete recovery for:

  • Yehudit bat Sarah Blumah
  • Gershon ben Ginalla
  • P'nina bat Sofia Zlatta


  1. Glad all went well. Hope you have a sweet new year. *hugs*

  2. Thanks and *hugs* and all back!


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