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Friday, October 17, 2008

Thousands At Tel Shiloh!

Yesterday was a very big day at Tel Shiloh! Mateh Binyamin, our regional council, like an American county or state, organized a great Succot Fair here in Shiloh. There were street theater tours all around the Biblical site, suitable for all ages.

And there were so many different crafts and activity workshops.

Rivka, the lurker and Jameel were there with all the kids.

The weather cooperated, too. Not too hot, nor prematurely winter.

Here are some of the workshops.

Yes, I'm having fun with youtube!


  1. Looks like fun! Someone threw a great party at Tel Shiloh. I saw Shiloh on Joe Settler's blog, too.

  2. It was quite a bash. I didn't see Joe, but I saw Rivka, Lurker and Jameel. We should have planned a jblogger party.

  3. What a treat to see the festivities in Shiloh here in Chicago! Great post!

  4. Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it. Did you watch the movies?

  5. Thanks for the shout out -- we all had a great time :)

    Moadim LSimcha!

  6. My pleasure. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Don't waffle about visiting again.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Please visit again.