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Sunday, October 12, 2008

Twice In Less Than Twelve Hours

ברוך דיין האמת
ברוך דיין האמת

Twice today in less than twelve hours I got very bad news. Yes two people died, my Uncle George and my neighbor Yehudit.

I don't really feel like writing personal things about them, so I'll be very brief, unless the words start flowing like tears.

Neither death was a "surprise," but a few months ago no one would have expected that they were close to the end of their lives. People's health can "change" in an instant, and that's what happened to both of them.

Yehudit and Uncle George never met in this world, but they may be meeting right now...

HaMakom Y'Nachem


  1. I am so sorry for this double loss.

    Baruch Dayan Emet.

  2. Baruh dayan emet. Thinking of you (and all the families and friends) at this difficult time.

  3. Baila, leora, thank you both.

  4. bayta i am soo sorry for your losses. may Hashem comfort the family amongst the mourners of Tzion in Jerusalem.

  5. Baruch dayan Haemet. May their memories be for a blessing.

  6. I'm so sorry. Baruch dayan Haemet.

  7. Please take this thanks as personal. I just got back from Yehudit's funeral; the house is a wreck, must finish for chag and pay shiva call.


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