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Monday, November 10, 2008

A Shiloh Story

Last night, when I was here, working on the computer, the phone rang:
"Do you know where -- lives?"
"Not exactly. Are you going to pay a shiva call?" (That's a condolence call.)
"Are you in the car?"
"Yes. Does that mean that I should have asked you if you want to come?"
"That would be nice."
"We'll be by in a minute."
"Thanks. I just have to put on my shoes."

It's so nice to have good neighbors.


  1. Too many shivas. I'm off this morning to pay a shiva call; it will be a long drive, so I invited friends who know the person to come, too. Since they are older and don't drive distances, they greatly appreciate it.

  2. Too many, for sure. My cousin, whose father passed away Erev Succot called to say that her aunt just died, meaning my aunt, her mother, and my aunt's brother were widowed just a month apart after over 60 years marriage each couple.


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