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Wednesday, December 03, 2008

It All Fit In, Thank G-d

I finally went to the pool today, only the second time since ours closed in September. I'll have to make more of an effort, since it's really healthy. It's just hard on babysitting days.

I usually try to meet friends or do errands between the pool and going to Ofra to babysit. Today, I met a friend, but not for fun. She's mourning her mother who just passed away, less than a year after her father. Yes, I paid a shiva call.

We used to be very, very close friends. She's probably the first friend I'd ever had with whom the only language we had in common was Hebrew. Our temporary Shiloh homes, in which we lived while our "real homes" were being planned and built, were "back to back." Most of our kids are the same ages. We came from very different backgrounds and had a lot in common. Does that make sense? I didn't want to use the word "but," because it gives the impression that it would be surprising that we had so much in common. We've been out of touch, so I used the opportunity to do the mitzvah of n'chum aveilim (the Jewish Law to comfort the mourners) to try to reconnect.

After that I walked from her late parents' apartment to nearby Ramat Eshkol. I did shopping for the house, got an emergency light, which will go on automatically if the electricity is off. A few years ago, our electrician put a plug from the main fuse in the hallway by the bedrooms and bathroom. So, now I finally got the light.

Then I had some lunch, which I'll write about later. It was a bit early for the bus I needed to catch, but I had nothing to do, so I went to the bus stop. I was surprised by another bus which also goes to Ofra, so I took it and got there early enough to rest a bit. Then I picked up the baby from the sitter and then got some snacks for the girls. Then I got the girls, gave them their snacks to eat and then we walked to their "sports club."

The baby wanted to be held a bit after we got back. So I did. Then my daughter got back early enough to pick up the girls and take them home.

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