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Thursday, December 18, 2008

The Stains Are Worth It

My beige winter coat and my grey pouch, which I use daily instead of a pocketbook, are colorfully decorated with paint stains. Today I laundered the coat twice, even using stain remover. I'm afraid to touch the pouch, because laundering ruins the fabric.

No, I haven't taken up a new hobby, nor was I attacked by a Jackson Pollock. I took my grandkids to a festive "bazaar" at the Ulpanat Ofra, the Girls High School in Ofra. There were Arts & Crafts tables, where for ns5 shekels each they could make a "project," and for another ns5 each, another project. In the end they completed four projects each.

They had lots of fun, and the high school students helped them and even took them to wash their hands periodically, when the paste and glitter coated them like elegant gloves. I wonder if my daughter has realized that the gorgeous clothes the girls were wearing may never be the same. And I may need a new jacket and certainly a new pouch.

But we did have a great time.


  1. Glad you had a great time and didn't get upset by the stains.

  2. The kids had so much fun. Isn't that more important?

    I'm a grandmother. Thank G-d!

  3. yea, that definitely is more important.

    and yea, I realized after that it was about grandkids.

  4. I wish I had been more relaxed about things like that when my kids were little.


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