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Monday, December 08, 2008

Was It Worth It?

Many of the comments I got concerning the Havel Havelim I posted yesterday, on both me-ander and Shiloh Musings, wondered how much effort it took. I honestly don't know how many hours of actual work. I do have my tried and trusted method, How to Host a Blog Carnival #1 and How To Host a Blog Carnival #2. In all honesty, a bonus for hosting any blog carnival is the rise in visitors and page views.
Most people checked out Havel Havelim on Shiloh Musings, not here. Yesterday's statistics were much higher than usual, as you can see in the graph. Even better was the amount of people who also read my own posts. Of course, I have no idea how many of those new people will visit afterwards. Last week Benji Lovitt hosted, and I got a lot of hits from that. The previous (by a week or two) HH on Jewlicious gave me almost none. I guess that the Jewlicious readers aren't interested in blogs, while WWZ readers are. Also, more and more bloggers mention the carnivals, which bring even more readers.
So, if you're interested in hosting a Kosher Cooking Carnival, please let me know. From February onwards, the months are available. For Havel Havelim, contact Jack., and for JPIX, contact jpixcarnival@gmail.com .


  1. What are your goals for this blog? You seem to use it as sort of a diary. That's fine, but you may want to work on connecting with users by examining which kinds of posts get more comments or hits, and do some of those kind of posts scattered with whatever else you feel like posting about. If you hit on a topic that excites you and excites readers, that can be a win-win.

  2. I was wondering about he hit count from the Jewlicious HH, I forgot to submit my post in time.

    And BTW, I got about 60 hits or so from your edition. Thanks.

  3. Leora, the statistics I showed were from the Shiloh Musings one. It has more regular readers, unlike me-ander which gets most hits from googled recipes. Yes, it's more diary and personal and my Baile Rochel's are here. I used to be called the "Erma Bombeck of the shomron."

    jdj, If I'm not mistaken this HH got a lot of serious hits, people who wanted to read. I also posted the links on my arutz 7 blog. I'm glad you got hits from it. I was wondering how to present your post, since I figured that some people wouldn't go for the title, and some people would. I'm sure it helped being the week after wwz.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Please visit again.