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Thursday, February 05, 2009

And Another Pound Off!

Baruch Hashem, Thank G-d!

The Start Fresh kosher weight loss diet is still working, or better said, I'm still eating according to its guidelines.

In all honesty, if I ate all I was permitted to eat, I'd gain weight. Some of my reasoning behind that statement is that, it's more than I ever used to eat, sort of. But also, I'm not that young, nor that active. I must eat less than I once did.

Many of the permitted carbohydrates, especially the wheat products, cause me to lose control. I'm OK with the starchy vegetables. I can have my portion, most probably because they're part of a food. But I can eat outrageous quantities of pasta, or pita dipped in olive oil. I can finish off an entire family-size Yemenite pitta, especially if there's olive oil on the table, too. Challah doesn't do it to such an extent, even with olive oil. If I get started on bread and butter, there's no end, until the bread gives out.

I'll have some challah on Shabbat, and that should end the "craving." But if this is a craving, I'll just have to have some bread, and then the craving will go away. One suffers cravings if we're missing a "food type." On Start Fresh kosher weight loss diet I haven't , I haven't been craving. Actually, I'm permitted bread, but I just don't eat it. So, maybe tomorrow I should.

It's really good that I lost another pound. I made more of an effort to eat this week. The previous week, I was hungry, and I didn't lose weight.

I must clean up the house. Guests are coming for Shabbat, the grandkids and their parents.

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