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Friday, February 27, 2009

And The New Grand Total Is.....


I was hoping to find a dramatic drum roll on youtube...

7 kilo or 15.5 pounds less than when I started!! And please don't ask how many more until my "goal!"

This Start Fresh kosher weight loss diet isn't bad at all. I never thought I could do it. Not that I'm even close to my goal, but still. I would never have even tried if Steve of webads hadn't offered me the deal.

There's nothing more encouraging like success, so I'm continuing with the diet to lose weight, G-d willing.


  1. 15 pounds! That's terrific. Good for you!

  2. !כל הכבוד ושבת שלום

  3. Thanks
    I hope by making it a public diet, I'll stick to it forever.

  4. Anonymous27/2/09 17:08

    That's awesome! You seem to have found something that's reasonable and sustainable.

  5. well done, keep up the good work!

  6. jdj, t, sarah, thanks for the support!
    jdj, we've never f2f'ed so you won't see a difference, but...
    t and Sarah, next time....


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